The Official Stuff
Our Fees
The below fees EXCLUDE the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) which may cut the cost of your fees by more than half. It all depends on your Child Care Subsidy Percentage.
Vacation Care - $72.50
After School Care (Permanent) - $30
After School Care (Casual) - $35
Before School Care (Permanent) - $20
Before School Care (Casual) - $25
The Child Care Subsidy
Fee assistance is available in the form of the Child Care Subsidy. What you receive in subsidy is dependent on a number of things like your income and activity level. Most working families are able to receive some Subsidy so long as you meet the necessary citizenship, immunisation and activity requirements.
Parent Information Handbook
We know you probably don't want to read long regulatory documents so we compiled all the important bits from our Policy and Procedure Guide and Parent Handbook. Our Parent Information Handbook has information like what to bring to Active Kids plus all the general policies. This Parent Information handbook is sent to all families upon enrolment. Use the link below to check it out. Just ask our friendly team for access to this document.
How to Book
We like to keep a more personal touch at Active Kids! This means we don't have an online booking system. To book a permanent schedule or make a vacation care booking send us an email at your centres email address. Or, to make a casual booking just send us a text to your centres direct mobile line.
Bookings are compulsory and families must be enrolled prior to booking
AK at St Carthage's -, 0417276407
AK at St Mary's -, 0403482799
AK at SCC -, 0431569552
AK at St Francis Xavier -, 0412767828
AK at Holy Family -, 0432276866
AK at GSAC -, 0431569552
AK at St Finbarr's -, 0411267998
Policies and Procedures
Policy and Procedures are an integral part of the documentation that is required to meet legislative requirements. They prevent uncertainty about how particular situations are handled and support staff to understand their roles and responsibilities.
Active Kids Policies and Procedures are subject to continuous improvement.